4.5. Information BarΒΆ

At the bottom of the GUI - below the population and environment views - is an information bar, which provides an overview of a number of elements of the current simulation. This is updated every polling generation. The statistics it provides are:


When RevoSim is running in batch mode, this shows how many runs are completed out of the total number requested.


The number of iterations that had been completed since the start of the simulation at the last polling interval.

Iterations per hour

This provides an indication of the speed at which RevoSim is running, and thus it is relatively easy to calculate how long any given run will take.


This is a count of the total number of digital organisms alive at the last polling iteration.

Milliseconds per iteration

This is an alternative measure of speed.

Mean fitness

This is the mean fitness of all living organisms in the simulation at the last polling iteration.


If species tracking is on, this will provide the number of species at last poll once a speciation event has occurred.


This is the index of the current environmental image, along with the total number that have been loaded. By default REvoSim loads with a single environmental image.

This is printed to the terminal when REvoSim simulations are initiated from the command line in Unix builds of the software (Windows lacks this functionality).